
Situated on the northern bank of the scenic Perfume River, Hue is one of Vietnam's most important historical, cultural and religious centers. Once the capital of Vietnam during the Nguyen dynasty, it is a city that harks back to Vietnam's colorful past with its countless tombs, temples, pagodas and palaces.


Within the city is the Imperial Citadel, home of the Emperor. This sprawling complex of temples, pavilions, walls, museums and galleries is the centerpiece of Hue. It is here where one can truly appreciate the history and charm of Vietnam's past, its tranquility and beauty.


The street for bargains is Le Loi Street. Here you'll find souvenir stalls that run the gamut from cute to kitschy. You'll find great deals on a variety of little treasures tucked under the glass cases of the shops here. All you have to do is simply search and you're bound to be rewarded.


Originally prepared for the Emperor, the Imperial cuisine is a culinary experience one can't pass up when in Hue. With so much care lavished on its presentation, it is almost a shame to eat - but people get over that very quickly. And for those who want a more traditional meal, there is a noodle soup with slices of beef and lashings of chili oil known as Bun Bo Hue. Don't worry about the pronunciation; it's the most popular dish in Hue, so they'll know exactly what you're looking for.


The Vietnamese currency is the dong. You can exchange currency in any of the following ways: at a bank, through an authorized exchange bureau or at a hotel reception desk. The best rates are at the banks, but the exchange bureaus are the most convenient, as they're open longer hours. Most major credit cards should be accepted at almost any major city or popular tourist spot.

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